Category Archives: Open Data India Watch


Stories of the week

Upcoming Events

Happening now.  Hacking the Budget: Data BootCamp in Delhi! Follow it here.

HillHacks in Oct 

a two week long event in Dharamsala, India with participants from all around India and all around the world. It’s organized by CCC and freaklabs as well as participants from MIT Media Lab, Tibetan Children’s Village, Dharamsala International Film Festival, Ghoomakad hackerspace, and many more.”

Week’s Events

We had a DataMeet in Mumbai!

Bangalore Screened the Aaron Swartz Documentary and then discussed the Indian experience.  

GeoBLR discussed the saga of Pincodes.


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Stories – World


  • GeoBlr – Meetup – PINCODE EXTRAVAGANZA! is on Aug 12. Please do RSVP.
  • Monthly DataMeetUp Delhi is on Aug 27
  • DataBootCamp India -Hack the Budget at the capital’s biggest data journalism event yet, between September 5-7. The Open Data Bootcamp is co-hosted by the International Center for Journalists, the Hindustan Times, Hacks/Hackers New Delhi, Data{Meet}, and the 9.9 School of Communication. The three-day event will take place at the Bridge School of Management at Cyber City in Gurgaon.

Suggest stories to us

You can suggest stories, applications, events etc by tweeting at @datameet or by emailing.

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  • MapShaper enables online editing of Shapefile .shp, GeoJSON or TopoJSON files.
  • The GDELT Project monitors the world’s broadcast, print, and web news from nearly every corner of every country in over 100 languages and identifies the people, locations, organizations, counts, themes, sources, and events driving our global society every second of every day, creating a free open platform for computing on the entire world.

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Open Data India Watch – 4




  • GDN NEXT HORIZONS ESSAY CONTEST 2014 by Gates Foundation.

    Data and information technology: There is growing excitement about the power of open data as a tool both to inform policy and spending decisions and to hold governments to account for commitments they make. What will this data and technology driven transformation in the development project “marketplace” actually look like?? How might citizens use data to provide feedback on government services and development projects? What will it take to get there?