
DataMeet – Delhi Chapter started just after Bangalore.  Meetups happen mostly once a month. We also organize workshops when community wants it. The chapter also organizes Open DataCamp – Delhi once a year.

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Meetup Organizers:

Sumandro Chattapadhyay



Sumandro is a researcher interested in the history and politics of
informatics in India. He is associated with The Sarai Programme at CSDS, Delhi, and often with the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore. He likes R, Open Street Map, Slavoj Zizek, and chow chow bhath.

Meetup page:

Open Data Camp – Delhi:

Open Data Camp – New Delhi (ODCDEL) is a  unconference that aims to provide a space to discuss the challenges and experiences of using data in India with the aim of promoting an open data culture in government and the private sector. ODCDEL is organized by DataMeet community.

Blog posts related to Delhi:

[catlist name=delhi-city pagination=yes numberposts=5 orderby=date order=desc excerpt=yes excerpt_strip=yes]

Title Imaged Credit: Wikipedia

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